How Can Lawyers Assist Clients in High-Profile Cases

The firestorm that has engulfed Mayor Rob Ford’s office over allegations of a video purportedly showing him using drugs has intensified since The Toronto Star, and popular blog website, Gawker, first reported on it. The story has transcended the political landscape in Toronto and ricocheted across the globe, especially on traditional and social media channels, where the subject has trended and does not look to lose steam. A video of Mayor Ford allegedly inhaling from a glass crack pipe and distastefully lambasting Justin Trudeau is currently being shopped around.

Mr. Prutschi joins Jerry Agar on NewsTalk1010 to discuss this topic of how lawyers can assist their high-profile clients in the face of uncontrolled and persisted speculation in the mass media. When a scandal or allegation of a well-known individual or corporation hits the airwaves and spreads like wildfire, the legal team of the accused must “bunker down” and be open and transparent with one another, Mr. Prutschi recommends.

Mr. Prutschi, who has worked on many high-profile cases, discusses how crucial it is for clients to be completely honest with their lawyers from the start. In order to provide best representation, lawyers need to know all the intricacies and inner-workings of your case. While it is counter-intuitive, Mr. Prutschi concedes, clients must not shield their lawyers from any details in their case – no matter how embarrassing or incriminating – or it will impede your lawyers from doing their best job representing you.

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